Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. We'll have submissions from other like-minded individuals; friends, enemies, countrymen and ex-pats.

We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yob's Steaming Pile of Awesome!

Why, hello there! And welcome to the inaugural edition of Yob's Steaming Pile of Awesome!

I'm your host... Yob. ...get how this works?

In my little corner of Emp-Ego, I pledge to bring you the internet.

No, not the WHOLE internet, that would be absurd! No, just the really funny parts. And not just the old, crusty, used-up funny from yesterday. I'm talking Grade A, Prime Cut, Top Shelf, Freshly-Shat, Steaming Piles of Awesome!

In honor of those who've come before me, I may, from time to time, highlight some of their work here as well, but only when they really deserve it. After all, even the greats can't make funny all the time, and I don't aim to just regurgitate crap from the big boys. I can make funny all on my own, dammit.

Soooo.... off we go!

Steamer #1 comes to us from, hell, God knows where. Looks like some Canadian guy named Frankie. Now, to be fair, Frankie is probably a really sweet kid, but damn if this isn't the funniest freakin' thing I've seen in at LEAST 2 days. (Hey, the net moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.)

Anyway, I'll let Frankie do the *ahem* talking:

#2 has been making the rounds on the old intertubers today, and I conclude it might very well be the most honest, compelling and accurate account of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill to date. I mean, the attention to detail, the way the actors get inside the heads of the key players involved, hell the overall production value here is incredible. Truly a work of art. ...Oh, who the hell am I kidding?

And finally, #3 comes to us from Tosh.0. Now, like I said, normally I don't regurgitate shit from the big boys. I only make exceptions when it's particularly funny. Why is this funny? I really have no idea! It's an enigma. I just giggled my ass off when I saw it, so now I'm subjecting you to it too. Ain't life grand?!

To quote their original write-up, "I'm not sure where this image originally came from, but if I had to guess, I would guess somewhere fucking awesome."

And that does it for today's Steaming Pile of Awesome! Tune in... whenever I damn well feel like it... for more hard-hitting journa-.... ugh. To hell with that. I bring the funny. You laugh. Deal?