Two pilots made a six hour flight over the Mojave desert Thursday. Starting the first maned flights of the VSS Enterprise. Virgin Galactic estimates beginning commercial flights as early as 2012.
We are heading in the right direction again, finally. Only took 51 years. Imagine what we would have now if we had continued down this line.
You've probably seen some of the videos in the viral ad campaign for Old Spice, but if you haven't I will send you here before sharing this next bit. Look at the ad, now back at me, now back at the ad, now me.
Good, now that we're on the same page now look at this:
Actually, there are quite a few lols to be had mining the Old Spice videos on their site. I recommend checking them out. They've been whipping out new ones based on comments and questions people have been sending them.
It's not hard to be inspired by the double-rainbow guy, but if you're looking for something more cerebral, but equally entertaining I suggest checking out some of the lectures and accompanying cartoons at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers, and Commerce (RSA). Sounds like a very dry organization, but I was very inspired by the following vids:
Smile or Die
I've encountered this idea of "positive thinking" as being a destructive force in our culture before and I find it compelling. I am a realist in my outlook on the world and yet I am often confused for being a pessimist by more up-beat people. I embrace it to a certain extent, I do proudly drink coffee at work from my pessimist's mug. Most people can't grasp the concept of a continuum between optimism and pessimism, just like they can't grok he idea of a wide political spectrum, so if given a false dichotomy go ahead and file me in the pessimist category.
The Secret Powers of Time
How do you view time? I fall somewhere in the Past Negative / Present Hedonistic categories. I enjoy the slower pace of life here in Eugene, Oregon. I struggle with the feeling that I am somehow less mature than people who are future oriented or enjoy a faster pace of life, because the prevailing culture is that way. I think this talk helped me realize that about myself.
I found this talk very relevant as well. I've always wondered why I'm not more motivated by money alone. I guess I'm still striving for mastery and purpose in my life.
Ever seen a rainbow? Ever seen a rainbow ON WEED? This apparently simple soul seems to have just discovered the awesome, spirit bursting, orgasmic power that seeing a rainbow literally for the first time.
I'm all for appreciating even the most mundane aspects of Nature's Glory, I've been there myself; you're finally at the mountaintop you've been struggling to climb all morning, you're dizzy with exertion and jacked up on adrenaline, Nature Valley granola bars, and the sense of superiority that comes from thinking that you're one with Gaea. You look out over the horizon to see the full expression of light refraction from ambient water vapor along the focal plane of the curvature of the Earth known as a Rainbow and you think to yourself, "That's Effing Beautiful!", but the cinematographer of this vid takes it right through to creepy. I like to imagine that after the clear sweet release he attained from this mystical connection, he turns around to face the horrified stares of dozens of people standing behind him in the parking lot, many of them children and the elderly.