Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. We'll have submissions from other like-minded individuals; friends, enemies, countrymen and ex-pats.

We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Friday, July 23, 2010

The Social Network

You all know by now my irrational hatred for Facebook runs deep. Well, I should just get over it since now it is being promoted from temporal internet phenomenon to part of our shared cultural mythology via film. Yes, a movie is being made about Facebook, or more correctly, about Mark Zuckerberg. The "creator" of Facebook, and anti-hero of this film, is played by Jesse Eisenberg, of Zombieland fame. Shenanigans describes him as a more serious Michael Cera and I think that fits precisely. Here is the first trailer I was exposed to.

I also encountered a second trailer via a GeekSpeak episode, which they describe as almost thriller-esque. See here.   Despite my detestation of Facebook, my curiosity is significantly piqued. I will watch this.

During the same episode of GeekSpeak I was turned on to this fake movie trailer advertising the JavaZone 2010 event. Very well done, and believable since they use all the same tropes of this genre and trailer techniques. I'd like to see this movie, even though it doesn't exist, but that's because I'm a Java programmer and it strikes close to home.

What do you think? Should we stick to posting about lolcats and nut-shots instead?

Thursday, July 22, 2010


The Onion has done it again. One of their videos of fake news has been taken seriously and then shared as real news by paranoid conspiracy junkies. Here's a list of links:

My favorite part is about a minute in when "Rep. John Haller" is reading a classified section and is stunned to silence for a few seconds before just remarking "...Jesus" and then continuing.

Is satire not universally understood? Is sarcasm really that difficult of a concept?

Dry Ice Nut Rocket

I'm aware that these kinds of posts lower the bar, but stick with me for a sec.

If I'm feeling blue or just out of gas in general, in the past I've tried all sorts of ineffectual methods to chipper my self up. Some have been down right dangerous or illegal. =)

Watching this video gives me the right amount of stimulus I need, every time. This is the most powerful pill in my medicine cabinet. I dare you not to at least crack a little smile after watching this no matter how bad your day was.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yob's Steaming Pile of Awesome

Now, I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking: "But, Yob! I thought you were supposed to be the supreme purveyor of preferably steaming piles of Awesome! How could you miss the boat on Improv Everywhere's latest Star Wars Subway stunt? How could you let one of your fellow Egotists scoop you?!"

To that, I say NAY.

I did NOT miss the boat. I allowed it to pass me by.

But "Why?" do you ask?

Because, alas, I was in the minority who felt it could have been funnier than it was. I've learned to hold Improv Everywhere to some pretty high standards, considering the impressive nature of their track record.

So when I wasn't blown away by Star Wars Subway, I said to myself, "Yob, are you really going to pander to popular opinion? Are you really going to lower your standards just because people will think you failed if you don't?"

No. No, I will not do that. Because I owe you, my 2 faithful readers, more than that.

Instead, I bring you something far more awesome than Star Wars Subway.

I present to you Star Wars Subway....the Outtakes!

Now, I realize this is not necessarily Improv Everywhere's finest work. With so many shining moments thusfar, that might be hard to accomplish. I do contend, however, that these bloopers are far more awesome than the finished product was.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Just Plain Awsome: Improv Everywhere

Do you like the Funny?  Do you like your funny to blindside you when you least expect it, such as on a subway, walking out of a courthouse, sitting in a library, or possibly while eating lunch?  Then you should already know about the geniuses at Improv Everywhere, and you're like "thanks much there Shenanigans, got any news on what Michael Jackson's up to?".  For the rest of us that aren't mean jerks with jerk faces, check out their YouTube Channel, where you will find such brilliant vids as these below:

Star Wars Subway Car

My favorite element is Leia's "Galactic Rebellion for Dummies: Princess Edition".

Who you Gonna Call?

The guy playing Venkman should have announced "Relax folks, we're the Ghostbusters" when they first entered.

I Love Lunch! The Musical

"That looks delicious, wish I could eat lunch twice!".  Ann Curry?!

How do you like your funny?