Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

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We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Friday, June 11, 2010

The best trailer for a video game movie ever

Movies made of the goo of video games are notoriously bad.  With few exceptions, Hollywood has only shown how bereft of ideas it is when it tries to attempt to get some of that video game money.  And when I heard that Glitter City was gonna take a shot at not only making another Game Film, but a REBOOT OF MORTAL KOMBAT no less.  The failure of the same treatment of Street Fighter wasn't proof enough?

But then I saw the following trailer / intro short for it, and admittedly had to pick my jaw up off the floor.  If this film is shit, the folks that made the trailer need to get an Oscar.


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