Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. We'll have submissions from other like-minded individuals; friends, enemies, countrymen and ex-pats.

We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Great things to come

Thank you, Shenanigans, for getting things set up and kicked off. I'm looking forward to good things from you and Mr. Nice Guy. We've been talking about doing something like this for quite some time and I'm excited to finally be working on a joint project with you guys. I'm hoping more of our community will join in the discussion from time to time.

Here's a short introduction to me and the kind of stuff you can expect to see me post. I fill my Google reader, Twitter, and ITunes podcast library with science news, tech stuff, role-playing, board gaming, and video game industry info, consumer advocacy news, political fact-checking and satire sites, skepticism and educational feeds, short stories from the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres, and a smattering of humor, web-comics, and internet culture reviews.

When I'm feeling particularly excited, angry, or maybe just gassy about something I've read/heard/seen I'll blunder onto this site and vomit my opinion at you all and then I'll stumble away in a confused haze to gorge myself on more media until the whole ugly process starts all over again. And if that doesn't get you excited I don't know what will!

Now I need to get back to my feeds or else I'll miss something important on the internet!

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