Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. We'll have submissions from other like-minded individuals; friends, enemies, countrymen and ex-pats.

We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Post Script: Creepy Dolls

There are plenty more creepy doll themed movies out there I'm sure I've missed. I'd like to see them all at one point or another because I am strangely drawn to them. Maybe I am subconsciously suspicious of dolls because my mother made and collected so many of them while I was young. They still sit around my parents' house, watching and waiting to this day. List some of the notable creepy doll films you recommend in the comments below.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite Johnathan Coulton songs about this very topic: Creepy Doll.

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