Movies, Books, Television, Memes, Games, Food. These are the demons we battle so that you don't have to.

We give of our sweat, blood, other body fluids, but more importantly time to bring you these golden gifts.

We do this because we care just that much; we want to lift up the awesome and shame the suck.

Comments are welcomed, if not encouraged. We'll have submissions from other like-minded individuals; friends, enemies, countrymen and ex-pats.

We created this for you, but mostly for us.

We are Empathetic Egotists.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 5th of July!

I hope ya'll 'Mericans had a great fourth of July and blowed some stuff up real good. If'n you didn't set fire to anything yesterday then yer doin' it wrong. Here's how to do it right next year.

First we've got the solution to those hard to light fireworks. Once again, beer is the solution to all life's problems.

Next we have these guys who put together a "how-to" PSA on the proper way to celebrate the 4th.

Good stuff. Looks like some folks around these parts must have seen that last video and taken notes. Local news covered the following fire related stories: American Legion destroyed, South Eugene Home Burned, and Washington Wild Fire.

Where were you during the fourth of July? Did you set anything on fire? What's your alibi?

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